
Hello, my name is Lyn from Thailand. I worked as a teacher assistant and nanny. I graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Early Childhood Education from Ramkhamheang University. I have a reference letter from the previous employer. I can speak and read English on an intermediate level. I prefer to live in.

I have experience as a teacher to teach English to the kids kindergarten 1-4, elementary school children aged between 2 years old to 6 years old at Wells International School, Bangkok for 4 years.

Also, I have experience as a nanny to take care kids aged between 1 year old to 6 years old at Little Maple Nursery, Bangkok for 2 years.

In my past experience, took care daily routine of kids, reported daily routines, did child development, made activities, taught English (speaking-reading-writing), Mathematics, and Science, and taught homework for the kids.

I prefer to work in the northeastern area. I am hardworking, flexible, very patient and reliable person. If you are interested in my services, please contact me through Madawa. Thank you.

Hello, my name is Am from Laos. I worked as a nanny.

I can speak Thai on an intermediate level. I prefer to live in.

I have experience to take care kids aged between infant

5 months old to 4 years old for 5.11 years with Thai-Swiss

and 2 Thai families.

In my past experience, took care daily routine of kids, prepared breast milk, reported daily routines, slept with the kids, did child development, made activities, pick up and dropped off kids at school, drove, did household chores

for the kids, and cooked for their kids.

I prefer to work in Bangkok metropolitan area. (I can work at any city in Thailand). I am hardworking, flexible, very patient and reliable person. If you are interested in my services, please contact me through Madawa. Thank you.

Hello, my name is Wiang from Thailand. I worked as an elderly care and maid. I prefer to live in.

I have experience as an elderly care to take care of an elderly patient aged 99 years old for 1 year with a Thai family.

In my experience, took care daily routine of an elderly patient, slept with the elderly, prepared food, prepared medicine, helped to take a bath, did household chores, dusting, laundry, ironing, grocery shopping and cooked
for the elderly.

Also, I have experience as a maid for 13 years with 2 Thai families. 

In my experience, took care daily routine, did household chores, dusting, laundry, ironing, grocery shopping and
pet care for their family.

I’m comfortable with pets. I’m a hardworking, flexible,
very patient, and reliable person. If you are interested in
my services, please contact me via Madawa. Thank you.

Hello, my name is Noi from Thailand. I worked as a nanny newborn, helper and elderly care. I prefer to live in.

I have experience as a nanny newborn to take care newborns 2 months old until they grow up for 3.5 years with Thai and Thai-Chinese families.

In my experience, took care daily routine of kids, provide support to kid’s mother, prepared breast milk, report daily routines, slept with kids, made activities, playing with the kids, reading stories, did child development, cooked for kids, took a bath, did household chores, laundry, ironing and cleaning item for kids.

I have experience as a helper to take care kids aged between 2.8 years old  to 4 years old for 8.9 years with
2 Thai families.

In my experience, took care daily routine of kids, prepared breast milk, reported daily routines, slept with kids, did child development, made activities, cleaned items for kids, took a bath, took a nap, did household chores, laundry, ironing, grocery shopping and pet care for their family.

Also, I have experience as an elderly care to take care of an elderly patients aged between 80 years old to 87 years old for 9 years with 2 Thai families.

In my experience, took care daily routine of an elderly patients, slept with the elderly, prepared food, prepared medicine, helped to take a bath, did household chores, dusting, laundry, ironing, grocery shopping and cooked
for the elderly.

I’m comfortable with pets. I’m a hardworking, flexible,
very patient, and reliable person. If you are interested in
my services, please contact me via Madawa. Thank you.

Hello, my name is Jack from Myanmar. I worked as

a temporary elderly care, elderly care, and helper.

I can live in or live out.

I have experience as as a temporary elderly care to take care of the elderly aged between 60 years old to 75 years old for 3 years with Thai families.

Also, I have experience as an elderly care to take care of the elderly aged between 38 years old to 40.6 years old for 60 years old to 62.6 years old for 2.6 years with a Thai family.

In my past experience, took care daily routine

of elderly, patients, bedridden patients, Alzheimer, stroke, parkinson disease, diabetes patients, physical therapy, prepared medicines, prepared food, slept with the patients,

and helped to take a bath.

In addition, I worked as a helper to take care kid aged between 4 months old to 3 years old for 2.8 years with

a Thai family.

In my past experience, took care daily routine of kids, prepared breast milk, reported daily routines, slept with kids, did child development, made activities, taught homework, taught English, did online classes, cleaning items for kids, took a bath, took a nap, did household chores, laundry, ironing, and cooked for their families.

I’m comfortable with pets. I’m hardworking, flexible,
very patient, and reliable person. If you are interested in
my services, please contact me via Madawa. Thank you.

Hello, my name is Golf from Thailand. I worked as

a nanny/driver and nanny newborn. I prefer to live in.

I have experience as a nanny/driver to take care kid aged between 3.6 years old for 8 months with a Thai-American family.

Also, I have experience to take care of newborn until they grow for 4 years with a Thai-Chinese family.

In my past experience, took care daily routine of kids, prepared breast milk, reported daily routines, slept with the kids, did child development, made activities, pick up and sent to school, cleaning items for kids, took a bath, took

a nap, did household chores and cooked for the kids.

I’m comfortable with pets. I’m hardworking, flexible,
very patient, and reliable person. If you are interested in
my services, please contact me via Madawa. Thank you.

Hello, my name is Tam from Thailand. I worked as a nanny newborn and nanny. I have a reference letter from the previous employer. I prefer to live in.

I have experience to take care of newborns until they grow up for 7.6 years with 4 Thai families.

Also, I have experience as a nanny to take care kids aged between 1 year old to 8 years old for 8 years with 2 Thai families.

In my past experience, took care daily routine of kids, prepared breast milk, reported daily routines, slept with the kids, did child development, made activities, cleaning items for kids, took a bath, took a nap, did household chores and cooked for the kids.

I’m comfortable with pets. I’m hardworking, flexible,
very patient, and reliable person. If you are interested in
my services, please contact me via Madawa. Thank you.

Hello, my name is Tuktar from Laos. I worked as a maid and nanny newborn. I can speak Thai on an intermediate level.
I prefer to live in.

I used to work as a temporary job to do maid in total
6 months with a Vietnamese family. 

In my experience, took care daily routine, did household chores, dusting, laundry, ironing, grocery shopping and cooked for their family.

Also, I have experience as a nanny newborn to take care newborn 11 months old until they grow up for 1 year with
a Thai family.

In my experience, took care daily routine of kid, provide support to kid’s mother, prepared breast milk, made activities, playing with the kid, reading stories, did child development, cooked for kid, took a bath, did household chores, laundry, ironing and cleaning item for kid.

I’m comfortable with pets. I’m a hardworking, flexible,
very patient, and reliable person. If you are interested in
my services, please contact me via Madawa. Thank you.

Hello, my name is Zar-zar from Myanmar. I worked as a helper, nanny newborn, elderly care and nurse assistant.
I am certified in nursing assistant. I graduated with a bachelor’s degree from Mandalay University. I can speak English on an intermediate level. I can live in or live out.

 I used to work as a temporary job to do helper in total
6 months with a Thai family.

I have experience as a nanny newborn to take care newborn 6 months old until they grow up for 1 year with a Thai family.

In my experience, took care daily routine of kids, provide support to kid’s mother, prepared breast milk, report daily routines, made activities, playing with the kids, reading stories, did child development, cooked for kids, took a bath, did household chores, laundry, ironing and cleaning item for kids.

I have experience as an elderly care to take care of an elderly patients aged between 65 years old to 75 years old for 3 years with a Burmese family.

In my experience, took care daily routines of an elderly patients, physical therapy, prepared food, prepared medicine, helped to take a bath, did household shores for the patients and cooked for the patients.

Also, I have experience as a nurse assistant to take care of the patients, bedridden patients aged between 60 years old to 75 years old for 5 years at Rest Home in Myanmar.

In my experience, took care daily routines of elderly patients, bedridden patients, prepared food, prepared medicine, measuring vital signs, measuring blood pressure, physical therapy, helped to take a bath, did household shores for the patient, cleaning item for patients and cooked for the patients.

I’m comfortable with pets. I’m a hardworking, flexible,
very patient, and reliable person. If you are interested in
my services, please contact me via Madawa. Thank you.

Hello, my name is Paatii from Thailand. I worked as a nanny and maid. I can speak English on a pre-intermediate level.

I prefer to live out.

I have experience as a nanny to take care kids aged between 5 years old to 10 years old for 2 years with

a Thai-Chinese family.

In my past experience, took care daily routine of kids, reported daily routines, did child development, made activities, cleaning items for kids, took a bath, took a nap, did household chores for the kids, and cooked for the kids.

Also, I have experience as a maid for 6 months at Dala Kvalitetsskog Co., Ltd, Sweden.

In my past experience, took care of the daily routine, dusting, mopping, sweeping, cleaning whole the office room including the toilet, and throwing garbages.

I’m comfortable with pets. I’m hardworking, flexible,
very patient, and reliable person. If you are interested in
my services, please contact me via Madawa. Thank you.